What are we?
To SAVE the family company,
to SAVE the planet Earth,
but mostly – to SAVE every woman of dry-feeling skin and uncomfortability while they are fighting their own struggle every day.
To change the world,
to change mindsets –
to change perception – that the fashion industry can be sustainable and you should care what you put as a FIRST LAYER on your skin.
WHY April 22?
April 22 is the Day of Celebration of Planet Earth. And what is a better way of celebrating it than showing that you care about HER. Not just talking, but actually doing something to help save the planet.
We want to change the perception for the whole industry – We want to show the world that FASHION can be SUSTAINABLE, without suffocating planet Earth. There is another way. And that way is biodegradable, innovative, but also BOLD, STYLISH and NURTURING.
We are a small company in their green transition to zero waste. The ultimate goal is becoming 100% sustainable including collecting our used stocking and using them as fuel for production.
Help us help the planet Earth. And your SKIN.
April 22 – Good for the Planet. Good for Your Skin. Good for Your Style.